What are SEC Codes?
Standard Entry Class codes, or SEC codes are 3 character codes that identify the type of ACH payment. The SEC code indicates whether the ACH transaction is consumer or corporate, as well as how the payment was recorded and authorized. We currently support CCD, PPD, WEB and CTX. We’re currently working to add addenda capabilities via UI and API as well.
SEC Code | Name | Transaction Type | Use Case |
CTX | Corporate Trade Exchange | Business Credits or Debits | A single or a recurring ACH credit or debit originated to a corporate account. This code supports up to 9,999 addenda records. Authorization is made by agreement between the 2 parties. |
CCD and CCD+ | Corporate Credit or Debit Entry | Business Credits or Debits | A single or a recurring ACH credit or debit originated to a corporate account. Authorization is made by agreement between the originator and receiver. |
PPD and PPD+ | Pre arranged Payment or Deposit | Consumer Credits or Debits | A single or a recurring ACH credit or debit sent by an originator to a consumer account to make or collect a payment. Authorization for debits is obtained in writing or via a similar authentication method. |
WEB | Internet or mobile initiated entry | Consumer Credits or Debits | Authorization for debits must be in writing, or via similar web authentication. |
ACK | ACH Payment Acknowledge | Non Monetary | Acknowledges a CCD Credit Entry, no authorization needed. |
ADV | Automated Accounting Advice | Non Monetary | Used for accounting advices in machine readable format. Authorization is made by agreement between the originator and receiver. |
ARC | Accounts Receivable Entry | Consumer or Business Debit | Used to convert a mailed paper check into a single entry ACH debit. Authorization is obtained by written notice. |
ATX | Financial EDI Acknowledgment | Non Monetary | Acknowledges a CTX Credit entry, no authorization needed. |
BOC | Back Office Conversion Entry | Consumer or Business Debit | Used to convert a point of sale check into an ACH transaction. Authorization is obtained by written notice. |
CIE | Customer Initiated Entry | Consumer Originated Credit | A credit entry initiated by consumer through a bill payment service provider to pay bills. Authorization is made by agreement between the originator and receiver. |
COR | Notification of Change, or Refused Notification of Change | Consumer or Business Non Monetary | Used to send an automated Notification of Change of Refused Notification of Change. No authorization needed. |
DNE (Federal Govt. Agency Use Only) | Death Notification Entry | Consumer Non Monetary | Used by Federal agencies to notify a financial institution that a government benefit recipient has died. No authorization needed. |
ENR | Automated Enrollment Entry | Business (Federal Govt. Agency) Non Monetary | This allows a financial instutution to send ACH enrollment details to federal agencies. Only used upon request by receiver. |
IAT | International ACH Transaction | Consumer or Business Debit or Credit | Used for ACH payments when the receiving financial institution isn't under US jurisdiction. Authorization for Business obtained via agreement. Authorization for Consumers obtained in writing or via similarly authenticated method. |
MTE | Machine Transfer Entry | Consumer Credit or Debit | Automated Teller Machine entry. Authorization obtained in writing or via similarly authenticated method. |
POP | Point of Purchase Entry | Consumer or Business Debit | Initiated at an electronic terminal using merchant issued physical card or other access device. Authorization is obtained in writing or via a similar authentication method. |
POS | Point of Sale Entry | Consumer Credit or Debit | A single ACH debit initiated by an originator at a point-of-purchase or manned bill payment location. Authorization is obtained in writing or via similarly authenticated method. |
RCK | Re-presented Check Entry | Consumer Debit | Used to re present a previously returned check that was processes as an ACH. Authorization obtained by posted notice. |
SHR | Shared Network Transaction | Consumer Credit or Debit | Used for card transactions in a shared POS environment. Authorization is made by agreement between the originator and receiver. |
TEL | Telephone-Initiated Entry | Consumer Debit | Used for ACH payments originated via phone call. Authorization is obtained orally over telephone |
TRC | Truncated Entry | Consumer or Business Debit | Used for batches of truncated checks. Agreement is obtained by agreement between the originator and receiver. |
TRX | Truncated Entry Exchange | Consumer or Business Debit | Used for batches of truncated checks. Agreement is obtained by agreement between the originator and receiver. |
XCK | Destroyed Check Entry | Consumer or Business Debit | User to identify destroyed checks. No authorization needed. |
Updated about 1 month ago