New Client / Operating Account Application Guide
This guide walks through both the Bank’s experience in setting up a new client to complete the Client Account / Operating Account application as well as the Client’s initial experience. Note that Bank users will only interact with the Bank Experience sections. Client Experience is included for additional visibility into how the process works for clients.
Bank Experience - Client Creation
Create the New Client who is completing the Client Account Application. Navigate to Clients and select +Create Client to Create the new Client Profile

Figure 1. Client Overview
Enter Client Company and Primary Contact details and save.

Figure 2. Add Client
From the newly created client profile Add Client User(s).
Adding Client Users will immediately send an invite to the client asking them to set up their account. This will also generate the Client Account / Operating Account email to be available once the client logs in for the first time. Do not create Client Users unless you are ready for the client to begin their application process.

Figure 3. Client Overview Users section
To create a Client User enter User Information (First name, Last name, Email) and select Create User.

Figure 4. Add Client User modal
Once the client user is created the Client Account / Operating Account application will be immediately available to the client once they create their account and log in. You do not need to send the Client Account / Operating Account application to new clients. Recommended to hold off on sending any other Applications from the Applications page to the client until they have started the initial application if they are a new client just starting the process.
Client Experience - Start Client Account / Operating Account (Discovery Application)
When the client first logs in they will be prompted to Start the onboarding process.
This will load in the Client Account Application. Once the client selects Start Discovery the Client Admin who created the client & all Application Reviewers will be notified the client has started.

Figure 5. Client Applications homepage
Application will load and the Client can begin filling it out.

Figure 6. Client Applications homepage with active application
Client will have several Application Sections to provide information & documentation.

Figure 7. Application sections overview
Example of Company Information Application Section.

Figure 8. Company information application example
Example of Company Activities Application Section.

Figure 9. Company activities application example
Example of Financial Information Application Section.

Figure 10. Financial information application example
Example of Ownership Application Section.

Figure 11. Ownership information example

Figure 12. Ownership information example cont.

Figure 13. Ownership information - Add Beneficial Owner
Example of Key Personnel Application Section.

Figure 14. Key personnel section example

Figure 15. Key personnel section example - add person
When the client has answered all required questions, they will have the option to Submit the Application.

Figure 16. Application overview (complete)
Upon Application Submit the Client Admin who created the Client as well as all Application Reviewers will be notified the Client has submitted their Application.
Client Experience – Asking a Question
If the client needs help on a particular field or wants to ask a question, they can use the Need Help? Link to submit a question. The Client Admin and All Application Reviewers will be notified of a question and can respond to the client. More than one response can be sent and all responses will be viewable from All Messages.

Figure 17. Asking a question dialogue box

Figure 18. Asking a question - example

Figure 19. count of questions asked shown on right-hand progress flow
Bank Experience - Application Dashboard
The Applications Dashboard will provide Bank Users with visibility into all in progress, under review, as well as completed client applications. As the client makes progress responses and tracking will be available in real-time. Bank users can view the details of the application while the client is working on it.
Application Tabs:
- Active: Applications which are New, in Progress, Submitted, Under Review, or have Changes Requested will be in the Active tab
- Completed: Applications which have been reviewed and accepted or denied will be in Completed tab
Active Application Statuses:
- New: New Application sent to client, not started
- In Progress: Application started by client, in progress not submitted
- Submitted: Application completed by client and submitted, pending review
- Under Review: Application submitted by client and put Under Review by a Reviewer at the Bank
- Changes Requested: Application Under Review where Reviewer has requested changes to the Client (add additional information, upload a correct document, etc.)

Figure 20. Applications dashboard overview
Responding to Client Questions on an Application
Below is an example Notification received by Client Admin (who created client) and Application Reviewers of a Client submitting a Question.

Figure 21. Example of email received by Client Admin when Client asks a question during application
Bank Users can navigate to the question from the client via the link in the email, or directly from the Application.

Figure 22. Client questions are shown on the Application dashboard overview page

Figure 23. Client question count is listed next to each section

Figure 24. Question is visible at relevent section the query pertains to

Figure 25. After clicking on question a dialogue box opens allowing you to view question and respond directly
Request Changes on An Application
The Client will have to respond to all required questions, but it’s still possible they might provide incomplete or incorrect information.
Reviewers have the option to Request Changes to any fields in any Section of the Application. This will send a notification back to the client with the details of the requested changes and allow the client to edit only those fields which were selected. Clients will not be able to modify any other previously submitted information.
From any section of the Application select Request Changes:

Figure 26. Request changes option within Review & Approve
Select the field(s) where you’re requesting the client make changes.

Figure 27. Request changes modal allowing selection of specific element that requires changes
Add a message to the client about the requested change and select OK.

Figure 28. Request changes modal message
The Client will be notified, and the status of the Application will be updated to Changes Requested.

Figure 29. Application dashboard indicates changes have been requested
Once the client corrects the changes, they can resubmit their application and the Reviewer who Requested Changes will be notified of the changes submitted.
Reviewing an Application
When it’s time to complete the final review the application Users with Application Reviewer permissions can move an Application to Under Review when ready to begin the review process.

Figure 30. Application review - Under Review toggle
The Reviewer will review each section, having the option to request further changes if needed. After the application has been reviewed and any internal discussions/decisions it’s time to Accept or Deny.
An Application should be Accepted only once the decision has been made to move forward with the Client.
If, for any reason, a decision has been made to not continue with the client the Reviewer can Deny the Application which will end the process for the client for now. A Client may be able to receive another application in the future if that decision is made.

Figure 31. Application review - accept / deny application
Clients will be notified at Application Accept or Deny and the decision is final.
View Message History
All Messages between the Bank and the Client will be visable through All Messages on the Application Page.

Figure 32. Application page - all messages

Figure 33. All messages modal
Updated almost 2 years ago