Book Transfers

Book transfers represent intra-financial transfers between two accounts. While book transfers are the fastest and cheapest type of transfer, they are restricted to accounts held at the same bank.

There are two types of book transfers supported by the Victor Platform: Book Internal and Book External.

Book External

Book External transactions indicate a transaction between two different accounts held by different clients at the same financial institution. It should be noted that for this transaction type, the originating account and the receiving account should belong to different clients. The request payload parameter book_type should be set as external.

The originator account should have a sufficient funds balance to support the transaction and, upon a successful transaction completion, the respective debit and credit entries are made to both the originator and receiver accounts.

Book Internal

Book Internal transactions indicate a transaction between two different accounts held by the same client at the same financial institution. It should be noted that for this transaction type, the originating account and the receiving account should belong to the same client. Additionally, in the required payload, the parameter book_type should be set as internal.

The originating account should have a sufficient funds balance to support the transaction and, upon a successful transaction completion, the respective debit and credit entries are made to both the originating and receiving accounts.

Book Object Description

A Book Object within the Victor Platform has the following fields:

Field Type Description
originating_account_number String Account number of the account originating the transfer. This account must have an available balance larger than the transfer amount.
destination_account_number String Account number of the account receiving the transfer.
amount number Amount of the transfer to two decimal precisions (for example #####.##)
client_reference String Unique transaction identifier passed in by the client. Victor does not guarantee uniqueness of this identifier
description String Optional remarks field
type String Describes the type of book transfer. Allowable values are 'internal' or 'external'

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Victor Technologies, Inc., is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MVB Edge Ventures, Inc., and a part of the MVB Bank, Inc., family.