Vantage Changelog

July 2, 2024

  • Added support for change requests
  • Enhanced application functionality
  • Enhanced organization logic
  • Minor frontend fixes

April 11, 2024

  • Added ability to update application status in the UI
  • Updated Application Management notifications, supported question types, and audit log
  • Added support for Application template version tracking
  • Added support for Application Management by organization

February 22, 2024

  • Added ability to preview already published applications
  • Added new fields to applications
  • Added ability to delete multiple questions at once
  • Added ability to filter available application types by organization
  • Added ability to add more than one file to the document field type
  • Added ability to set an “Application Title” to the application template creator
  • Added ability to create a draft from an existing published or archived application
  • Added ability to delete risk applications
  • Enhancements to template details view
  • Fixed an issue preventing creation of change request for risk applications
  • General front end fixes
  • Integrated creator module with templates module
  • Updates to additional account application fields
  • Updates to audit logs
  • Updates to discovery questionnaire financial and key personnel fields
  • Updated application management permissions

February 5, 2024

  • Added support for new question types to application builder
  • Added ability to edit question, section, and application
  • Added ability to create questions in application builder
  • Added ability to check progress and errors from reviewer page
  • Added ability to set default assignee in task plans
  • Added sorting to the users table
  • Added sorting to the risk assessment dashboard
  • Added ability to save a task plan after deleting a single task
  • Added ability to delete an active application
  • Added ability to add authorized signers on applications after changing the company type
  • Added ability to sort task plans ascending or descending by date
  • Added ability to “add to calendar” from task
  • Fixed multiple issues with UI
  • Fixed issues with batch downloading a large amount of files in documents library
  • Fixed an issue preventing the selection of client users as assignee when creating a new task
  • Updated password protected files preview to indicate a locked file and provided an unlock button
  • General UI Improvements

December 6, 2023

  • Additional optimizations for message consumption

December 5, 2023

  • Added additional columns to Large Reportable Transactions report
  • Fixed a UI issue
  • Added optimizations and additional configuration options for message consumers and producers.

November 30, 2023

  • Performance improvements
  • Updated large reportable transaction logic calculation and handling based on user feedback

November 27, 2023

  • Added additional columns to the Movement Cross Border Report: Country, Country Code
  • Added Kosovo to countries list
  • Added a view to browse rejected data that failed data validation
  • Updated Large Reportable Transactions logic, calculations, and handling
  • Updated Movement Cross Border limit to trigger on incoming OR outgoing foreign transactions

November 21, 2023

  • Fixes for data handling in Oversight

November 20, 2023

  • Added Movement of Funds: Cross Border Limit

November 17, 2023

  • Added ability to fetch all verticals and their limit types
  • Added High-Risk Transactions: High Risk Country
  • Added Large Reportable Transactions limit type
  • Improved Digital Asset data aggregations

November 16, 2023

  • Introduces new vertical Digital Assets
  • Introduces ingest and aggregations for Digital Assets Wire transactions

October 31, 2023

  • Updated Large Reportable Transaction output

October 17, 2023

  • Showing amounts instead of counts in one of the reports

October 13, 2023

  • Added merchant name to excessive OCT Payout limit payout report

October 12, 2023

  • Added ability to view run history
  • Adjusted Repeat Transaction and OCT Payout limit logic
  • Fixed navigation issues
  • Fixed an issue with redirects from the limits page
  • Fixed an issue with Alert Page limit alerts

October 10, 2023

  • Added ability to schedule asynchronous limit run from controller endpoint
  • Added ability to store historical run limits
  • Adjustments to date picker behavior
  • Fixed an issue with the alerts page
  • Fixed an issue with repeat transaction reporting

October 2, 2023

  • Performance updates for Oversight

September 26, 2023

  • Added queues by vertical
  • Added ability to view alert reports
  • Enhancements for Oversight

September 21, 2023

  • Added information to Audit Log about files removed from Task Plans
  • Added sorting capability to Applications list
  • Added ability to bulk download or many-select and download documents
  • Added copy link button to Oversight
  • Added ability to search for users when selecting from dropdown in User Groups
  • Enhancements to date picker behavior in Oversight limits
  • Enabled multi-select of users when creating user groups
  • Fixed an issue with Applications page loading
  • Fixed an issue with Task Plan save button behavior
  • Fixed an issue with comments in Doc LIbrary
  • Fixed an issue with searching for users in User Groups
  • Fixed an issue causing file upload 500 error in Task Plan
  • Fixed an issue requiring user to refresh page to view Application list
  • Fixed an issue with redundant API requests upon saving Application
  • Removed access to NEXT_STEPS section on denied questionnaires
  • UI behavioral fixes
  • Updates to mentions behavior
  • Updates to sorting for alerts in Oversight
  • Updates to Bank User client viewer permissions
  • Updated progress bar for Applications with no required fields
  • Updated Audit Logging to include section name when user is invited to a question or list of questions
  • Updated formatting for SSN fields

August 29, 2023

  • Added ability for admin to edit bank user roles
  • Added clarification to audit logging around which document was downloaded
  • Added read permission for read only viewers for status decisions feature
  • Added ability to bulk download/many-select documents
  • Fixed an issue with visibility of exception details
  • Fixed issue with data display after filtering in Admin UI
  • Fixed an issue with bank user permissions
  • Fixed an issue with caps sensitivity in task manager search
  • Updates to behavior of ownership percentage
  • Updated notifications for new applications and Discovery Questionnaire
  • Updated text editing behavior in Oversight comments
  • Updated audit logging for risk assessment events

August 23, 2023

  • Added new permission for status decisions feature
  • Added ability to change status on completed applications
  • Added audit logging for status decisions
  • Added SSN field to Key Personnel
  • Added Ownership % field to Ownership section
  • Added ability to query OFAC list using client uuid
  • Added ability to filter ACH returns by start date, end date, client and bank
  • Fixed an issue with Oversight exceptions details list
  • Fixed issues with Oversight dashboard panel date selection
  • Fixed an issue with display of Admin filter results
  • Updated behavior of Oversight exception details filters
  • Updated behavior of mentions
  • Updated Discovery Questionnaire notifications
  • Updated status change notifications

August 8, 2023

  • Fixed an issue with the Oversight exceptions summary UI
  • Fixed an issue with Expiration Date on documents in Document Library
  • Updated Oversight sorting functionality
  • Updated Oversight limit exception details

August 1, 2023

  • Added ability to query failed events by bank_uuid
  • Added ability for bank user to edit client user email address and status
  • UI updates and fixes

July 27, 2023

  • Added ability to create Document Library comments via endpoint
  • Added ability to share comments with other organizations
  • Fixed issue with saving filters in the UI
  • Fixed permissions issues with comments
  • Various UI Fixes

July 10, 2023

  • Added ability to export exceptions without filtering by status
  • Added additional information into application created event
  • Added a notification when client starts Discover Questionnaire
  • Fixed an issue with errors when creating comments
  • Fixed an issue with editing fields on additional account applications
  • Fixed an issue with submitting application after changes are requested
  • Fixed an issue with notifications on comments
  • Updated permissions required for starting a new application
  • Updates for expired document notifications
  • Updated limit level values to accept two decimal places

July 5, 2023

  • Added ability to search for users from the users list
  • Added ability to start a new application
  • Added character limits to Discovery Questionnaire text fields
  • Added ability to export only open or closed exceptions from Oversight
  • Added validation that informs Oversight users required fields cannot be empty
  • Added ability export Oversight exceptions table
  • Added a smoother transition between limit exception details and the limit exception list
  • Added key personnel section in Discovery Questionnaire
  • Fixed issue with filtering limits by merchant in Oversight
  • Fixed issues with sorting table in Oversight
  • Fixed issues related to exporting in Oversight
  • Fixed an issue with Oversight admins receiving 500 error on settings page
  • Fixed an issue where Oversight filters cannot be removed
  • Fixed an issue with the custom date picker not showing error messages
  • Fixed permissions on Task Manager endpoints
  • Fixed an issue in Documents Library where users without client related role are logged out when trying to access client folders
  • Updated Documents Library views based on role

June 20, 2023

  • Added limit name to exception details in Oversight
  • Added filter, search, and sort to exceptions table in Oversight
  • Added ability to delete a task
  • Combined task admin, task configuration admin, and task configuration creator role types
  • Combined task viewer and task read only role types
  • Fixed an issue with selecting date in applications
  • Fixed an issue with user-access that caused users to be unexpectedly logged out
  • Fixed an issue in exception details when a limit is removed
  • Fixed an issue with setting dates manually
  • Fixed an issue with editing start date in Task Manager
  • Updated limits to accept decimal values in Oversight
  • Updated notification behavior for tasks assigned through Task Plans
  • Updated method of setting notification recipients and expiration dates in the Document Library
  • Updated Task Manager CSV exports to display capitalized column headers
  • Updated Task Manager to separate active from completed tasks
  • Updated formatting for mentions in comments

June 12, 2023

  • Fixed issue with viewing Task Plan history after editing a task
  • Fixed an issue with filtering task plan by category/stage
  • Modified csv exports to include tasks

June 7, 2023

  • Introduced Task Plans feature
  • Added permission based access to task plans
  • Added auditing for task plan actions
  • Fixed issues caused by assigning tasks to a user group
  • Fixed issues with linked files on tasks
  • Fixed an issue with task sorting

May 30, 2023

  • Added support for Task Plans in Task Manager

May 17, 2023

  • Added Ability for clients to mention the task creator in Task Manager
  • Added ability for applicants to manually change the completed date in Task Manager
  • Added permission for applicants to add comments to external tasks in Task Manager
  • Added high risk vs low risk alerts to Oversight
  • Added ability to mention groups in comments
  • Added Task Manager permission to client applicant role
  • Added support for external tasks
  • Fixed an issue with “assign to” functionality and display
  • Fixed an issue with duplicates in mentions
  • Fixed an issue with mentions of users within the same organization
  • Fixed an issue with uploading files to tasks
  • Fixed an issue with adding comments to tasks as a client
  • Fixed an issue with task history display
  • Fixed an issue with comments display
  • Fixed an issue with accessing Payments module from home page
  • Updated filtering for ACH reversal transactions

May 9, 2023

  • Added ability to create and edit user groups
  • Added task type to task details
  • Document Library - fixed an issue with filtering by clients
  • Document Library - added client search
  • Fixed an issue with linked files on recurring task
  • Fixed an issue with .pdf preview
  • Fixed an issue with external task visibility for bank users
  • Oversight - added merchant high risk vs low risk alert
  • Risk Assessment - updated behavior for tasks created by users without access

May 4, 2023

  • Added ability to add external comments to tasks
  • Added ability to request SSN changes for beneficiary owners
  • Document Library - adjusted pagination in client folder view
  • Fixed an issue with creating tasks in Risk Assessment
  • Fixed issues with highlighting in UI
  • Fixed issues related to uploading multiple files
  • Fixed issues with accessing messages
  • Oversight - Added ability to manually run unusual change in transaction velocity limit
  • Risk Assessment - Added label to resolved change requests
  • Task Manager - Added ability to set recurrence on tasks
  • Task Manager - Added support for external task types

April 26, 2023

  • Added ability to generate reports
  • Fixed a bug related to comments
  • Improved field visibility validation for application reviewer
  • Minor UI improvements for transaction history views

April 13, 2023

  • Updates to allowed characters in filename upon file upload
  • Update to enable multi-file upload with existing applications

April 12, 2023

  • Added support for multiple document uploads per question
  • Enhanced task notifications
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Oversight: added ability to manually run limits
  • Oversight: enhanced threshold settings and user permissions

April 7, 2023

  • Added Task Manager enhancements for file upload categorization

April 5, 2023

  • Fixed an issue with file uploads
  • Minor improvements to task manager

April 3, 2023

  • Oversight - Added ability to automatically trigger daily and monthly ticket recalculation
  • Oversight - Added ability to manually trigger report generation with user parameters
  • Oversight - Added dashboards for portfolio utilization
  • Oversight - Added Ability to manually run chargeback/sales dollar limit
  • Oversight - Added Ability to manually run chargeback/transaction volume limit
  • Oversight - Added ability to search for the limit to run in the limit settings from the dropdown
  • Oversight - Added dollar sign to threshold settings
  • Oversight - Fixed an issue with pagination on threshold settings page
  • Oversight - Fixed an issue with sorting in the processors list
  • Task Manager - Added descriptive change history log on tasks
  • Task Manager - Added ability to add final summary comment at task completion
  • Task Manager - Fixed an issue with description change history display
  • Task Manager - Fixed an issue with some tasks being inaccessible
  • Removed ability to upload .svg and .txt files

March 28, 2023

  • Oversight - Added ability to manually trigger report generation with user parameters.
  • Oversight - Added threshold configuration per ISO
  • Oversight - Added ability to manually run limits check
  • Oversight - Added sorting to threshold settings
  • Oversight - Notification recipient now optional when configuring limits
  • Added sorting to task name dropdown
  • Added ability to upload multiple files at once
  • Fixed an issue with document library search
  • Fixed an issue with completed date in task manager
  • Oversight - Fixed an issue where the actions column was missing in the control limits list

March 21, 2023

  • Added start date and completed date to task details
  • Added edit and archive functionality to Task Manager items
  • Enhanced file preview
  • Fixed a bug related to document filtering
  • Improved audit logging event name filter

March 15, 2023

  • Updated exception details with exception source
  • Fixed an issue with display of merchant/processor data in exception view

March 13, 2023

  • Fixed issues with Oversight limits and exceptions.

March 6, 2023

  • Added audit logging to document library actions
  • Added comment functionality and ability to @ mention users throughout Vantage
  • Added column sort for clients list
  • Added sort and pagination to documents library
  • Added support for an expiration date on document library items and notification of items approaching expiration
  • Enhanced UI for discovery questionnaire
  • Fixed a bug related to comments and mentions
  • Fixed a bug related to saving a risk assessment with changes requested
  • Fixed a bug where to ensure an email is sent when a user is invited to a file
  • Improved changes requested notification
  • Minor notification enhancements
  • UI fixes and improvements

February 10, 2023

  • Added ability to generate tasks from documents
  • Added commenting and user tagging functionality for documents
  • Updated documents in next steps section to discovery questionnaire
  • Added new fields to the discovery questionnaire financial information section
  • Added support for comments on tasks
  • Added user tagging to risk assessment commenting
  • Minor UI improvements and fixes to Document Library and Risk Assessment
  • Enhanced risk assessment audit logging
  • Added new Application: Annual Gaming License Request

January 26, 2023

  • Added ability to request changes on Risk Application questions in Risk Assessment
  • Added ability to comment on Risk Score
  • Added character count for comments in Oversight
  • Improved Risk Assessment commenting behavior
  • Improved Change Request functionality
  • Improved comment editing functionality in Oversight
  • Updated Review Role permissions
  • Updated Change Request logic for Risk Assessment

January 24, 2023

  • Added labels to risk assessment list view
  • Added logic for unusual change in transaction velocity
  • Added oversight access control panel
  • Added audit log and comments to risk assessment
  • Enhanced capabilities for limit exceptions
  • Enhanced risk assessment collaboration logic
  • Fixed a bug related to application status and modifications
  • Minor UI improvements and fixes
  • Added ability to comment on exceptions in Oversight
  • Added Task manager integration in Oversight

January 19, 2023

  • Fixed issues related to Document Library file handling
  • Spaces now allowed in file/directory names

January 5, 2023

  • Added support for additional filetypes in Task Manager
  • Enhancements and bug fixes for the Risk Assessment Module
  • UI quality of life improvements and bug fixes

December 21, 2022

  • Risk Assessment UI enhancements and minor bug fixes
  • Updated risk calculations
  • Updated application overview response

December 20, 2022

  • Added support for Risk Assessment
  • Enhanced question management functionality
  • Minor bug fixes
  • UI enhancements

December 13, 2022

  • Added support for additional file types in the document library
  • Minor UI bug fixes

December 8, 2022

  • Added user audit history information for files and directories
  • Enhanced Document Library permissions and functionality
  • Minor UI improvements

November 22, 2022

  • Added support for global limits within the Oversight module
  • Added ability to certify identification documents
  • Added ability to edit users
  • Added country list to questionnaire answer section
  • Added support for read only form view
  • Added support for an Organization Admin role
  • Added support to display revoked access and reactivate the user
  • Enhanced Risk Application for client and bank programs
  • Enhanced Task Manager to support viewing of linked files in browser
  • Enhanced system notification messaging
  • Enhanced UI to display an asterisk next to required form fields
  • Improved application filtering UI
  • Improved dater picker validation
  • Improved conditional field validation
  • Improved reviewer UI experience
  • Improved Questionnaire filter criteria
  • Fixed a bug where a user is unable to save an invalid entry
  • Fixed a bug where pagination was missing after filter criteria was applied
  • Minor UI enhancements and bug fixes
  • Modified Change Requests comment ordering to be ordered by date
  • Persist filter criteria after viewing a records details

October 19, 2022

  • Added oversight filtering for available merchants
  • Fixed a bug related to editing oversight limits and merchant field
  • Improved limit exception UI message

October 18, 2022

  • Added edit/delete functionality to Oversight limits
  • Added filters and pagination to Oversight settings
  • Added control monitoring
  • Enhanced Oversight user permissions
  • Enhanced Oversight limit exception details
  • Minor UI fixes

October 11, 2022

  • Oversight module launch
  • Added control monitoring pages
  • Added new role and permissions for oversight access
  • Added notifications for mentions
  • Added pagination and filters to settings table
  • Enhanced filtering capability to client selection and accounts pages
  • Fixed a UI issue related to summary section and page changes

September 8, 2022

  • Fixed an issue with task manager configurations
  • Fixed an issue with reviewer application list
  • Added additional task filtering
  • Added fields for questionnaire sections
  • Enhanced field validation
  • Added read only view role for banking users

August 16, 2022

  • Vantage launch (beta)