Task Manager - How to Guide
From the Tasks page navigate to the Task Plan tab.

Task Plans
Any existing task plans will be viewable from this page.
To add a new task plan, select +Add Task Plan

New Task Plan
Give the new Task Plan a title as well as a Description.

Add Tasks to Template
To add tasks to your task plan select Add Task Template. This will bring up the task creation modal.

Enter Task Details
Select if the task is Internal (for within your organization) or External (to be assigned to a client user)

Select the Category and Task Name
Create a Custom task or select a preconfigured task from the list based on the task type & category selection.

Upload a file (if applicable). If creating a Custom task, select the Stage. This will be prefilled for preconfigured tasks.

Task Due Days (optional)
If there is a target completion date after task creation (ex: 7 days) then enter 7 as the Due Days and this will calculate a target Due Date when the task is generated. See View/Generate task for example.

Set the Recurrence
Refer to Task Manager How to Guide for more information on setting recurrences on tasks.

Add a Description (optional) & Create

Repeat the steps above until all tasks have been added to the task plan.
Once all tasks have been added Save Changes

The Task Plan has now been created.

Select the +/- to expand or collapse the task plan.

Edit a Task Plan
To Edit an existing Task Plan select Edit.

From Edit you can add additional tasks, edit existing tasks, delete a task from the plan or delete the plan.

View / Generate Task Plan
When you’re ready to generate a task plan select View / Generate

To Generate the Plan, first select the Client

Select Assignees for Individual Tasks

If a Task is External, Assignee selection options will be Client Users.

Select an Assignee for all Tasks in Task Plan.

Adjust Individual Task Priority (if needed).

Set Individual Task Due Date
If a task Due Days have been entered a suggested Due Date will be populated for that task. You can adjust this date.

Once all the details for the Individual Tasks have been added. Submit to generate all the tasks from the Task Plan.

All Tasks Generated
Assignees will be notified of their newly assigned task(s).

Updated about 1 month ago