RTP Errors

Possible RTP Errors

Class Name Field Constraint Type Error HTTP/Error Status Code Victor / JH Error Error Explanation Corrective Action
RtpAccountDetails accountNumber Blank error.accountNumber.blank 400 Victor Account Number field is empty Ensure Account Number field is not empty
RtpAccountDetails accountNumber Size error.accountNumber.size 400 Victor Account Number is too short or too long Account number size: min = 3, max = 20
RtpAccountDetails accountNumber Pattern error.accountNumber.invalid 400 Victor Account Number does not meet required format The Victor system accepts account numbers that can include any combination of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (), ampersands (&), single quotes ('), spaces, and hyphens (-)
RtpAccountDetails routingNumber Blank error.routingNumber.blank 400 Victor Routing Number field is empty Ensure Routing Number field is not empty
RtpAccountDetails routingNumber Size error.routingNumber.size 400 Victor Routing Number is too short or too long Routing number size: min = 9, max = 9
RtpAccountDetails routingNumber Pattern error.routingNumber.invalid 400 Victor Routing Number does not meet required format Our system expects a routing number that is exactly 9 digits long and only includes number 0-9
RtpCreditPayee victorCounterpartyId Blank error.victorCounterpartyId.blank 400 Victor Counterparty field is empty Ensure Counterparty field is not empty
RtpCreditPayee victorCounterpartyId Size error.victorCounterpartyId.size 400 Victor Counterparty field is too long The Victor system accepts a counterpartyId that has has a maximum of 16 characters and can include any combination of letters (both uppercase and lowercase) and numbers (0-9).
RtpCreditPayee ultimateCreditor Size error.ultimateCreditor.size 400 Victor UltimateCreditor field is too long The Victor system accepts an UltimateCreditor description that has a maximum of 100 characters. This can only be included if the originator_type is BUSINESS
RtpCreditPayer accountNumber Blank error.accountNumber.blank 400 Victor Account Number field is empty Ensure Account Number field is not empty
RtpCreditPayer accountNumber Size error.accountNumber.size 400 Victor Account Number is too short or too long Account number size: min = 3, max = 20
RtpCreditPayer accountNumber Pattern error.accountNumber.invalid 400 Victor Account Number does not meet required format The Victor system accepts account numbers that can include any combination of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (), ampersands (&), single quotes ('), spaces, and hyphens (-)
RtpCreditPayer ultimateDebtor Size error.ultimateDebtor.size 400 Victor UltimateDebtor field is too long The Victor system accepts an UltimateDebtorr description that has a maximum of 100 characters. This can only be included if the originator_type is BUSINESS
RtpCreditPaymentDetails amount Blank error.amount.blank 400 Victor Amount field is empty Ensure Amount field is not empty
RtpCreditPaymentDetails amount Pattern error.amount.invalid 400 Victor Amount field does not meet required format The Victor system accepts an Amount that is either a whole number (i.e 10, 100) or decimal number (i.e 10.10, 100.10)
RtpCreditPaymentDetails originatorType Null error.originatorType.null 400 Victor OriginatorType field is empty Ensure OriginatorType field is not empty
RtpCreditPaymentDetails originatorType Enum Pattern error.originatorType.invalid 400 Victor OriginatorType field does not meet expected value The Victor system expects an OriginatorType field that is either BUSINESS or CONSUMER (case sensitive).
RtpCreditPaymentDetails notes Size error.notes.size 400 Victor Notes field is too long The Victor system accepts a Notes field that has a maximum of 150 characters.
RtpCreditPaymentRequest clientReferenceId Size error.clientReferenceId.size 400 Victor ClientReferenceID field is too long The Victor system accepts a ClientReferenceID that is 128 characters long
RtpRefundRequest victorTransactionId Blank error.victorTransactionId.blank 400 Victor victorTransactionId is empty Ensure victorTransactionId is not empty
RtpRefundRequest victorTransactionId Size error.victorTransactionId.size 400 Victor victorTransactionId is too long victorTransactionId has a maximum of 36 characters
RtpRefundRequest reasonCode Blank error.reasonCode.blank 400 Victor ReasonCode field is empty Ensure ReasonCode field is not empty
RtpRefundRequest reasonCode Size error.reasonCode.size 400 Victor ReasonCode field too long ReasonCode field can have a maximum of 4 characters
RtpRefundRequest reasonCode Pattern error.reasonCode.invalid 400 Victor ReasonCode field does not meet expected value Technical error, contact Victor support.
RtpRefundRequest notes Size error.notes.size 400 Victor Notes field is too long The Victor system accepts a Notes field that has a maximum of 150 characters. Notes field can include any combination of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (), ampersands (&), single quotes ('), spaces, and hyphens (-)
RtpRefundRequest clientReferenceId Size error.clientReferenceId.size 400 Victor ClientReferenceID field is too long The Victor system accepts a ClientReferenceID that is 128 characters long and
General RTP Errors error.rtp.payment 634 Victor Two possible reasons for this error:
1. Unable to create RTP transaction
2. Thread interrupt while waiting to retry RTP action
Possible technical error, please try again. If it persists please contact Victor support.
General RTP Errors error.get.rtp.bank.details 635 Jack Henry Unable to getBankDetails from RTPServer Confirm recipient is on the RTP network and try again later. If the issue persists contact Victor support.
General RTP Errors error.rtp.failed 636 Jack Henry Two possible reasons for this error:
1. The Victor system received a failed status when querying RTP transaction against Jack Henry
2. The payment was rejected by the receiving institution
Ensure valid and active counterparty and try again later.
General RTP Errors error.invalid.rtp.account.number 632 Victor RTP Account Number is invalid for counterparty id Ensure counterparty has correct and valid RTP Account Number
General RTP Errors error.invalid.rtp.due.date 633 Victor Due date cannot be more than 365 days from current date and it cannot be in the past Ensure due date is withing the allowed time span and it's correctly formatted as "yyyy-mm-dd".
General RTP Errors error.invalid.rtp.routing.number 640 Jack Henry Routing Number does not support RTP payments generally or the specific payment type (Credit Transfer, Refund, Payment Request) Ensure routing number is valid and capable of RTP payments or the specific payment type being executed. If you have validated that the routing number should support RTP and you are still experiencing this error, please reach out to support to ensure configuration is correct on our end.
General RTP Errors error.bank.not.in.rtp 643 Jack Henry Bank not part of RTP Network/Not signed on to RTP network Ensure financial institution is capable of RTP payments
General RTP Errors error.rtp.refund.alreadyExists 429 Victor Transaction refund already exists Ensure that a refund is not being duplicated.

Victor Technologies, Inc., is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MVB Edge Ventures, Inc., and a part of the MVB Bank, Inc., family.